Welcome to SalivIQ Diagnostics

Our Mission

To pioneer the development of highly accurate saliva-based diagnostic tests which patients prefer and clinicians can trust.

Test Right, Once

Our Vision

To be the point-of-care diagnostic standard for strep throat infection.

About Us

SalivIQTM Strep A is the only saliva-based diagnostic test for strep throat. With 100% accuracy, follow-up throat cultures are no longer necessary and antibiotics can be prescribed appropriately.

Troat swab and saliva
Pharyngitis (sore throat) causes an estimated 15 million outpatient visits each year in the US.

Strep throat is the only form of pharyngitis that requires antibiotics.


Approximately 50% of patients with pharyngitis are prescribed antibiotics, but only 25% need antibiotics.

Millions of patients are being improperly prescribed antibiotics for pharyngitis due to the inaccuracy of rapid strep tests.

The Solution

A saliva-based molecular diagnostic test to accurately and rapidly detect strep throat infection.

SalivIQ diagonstics

Clinical Study Published in the journal Diagnosis

January – 2024

A total of 102 saliva samples were collected from James Madison University Health Center and run through the SalivIQTM Strep A protocol. Compared to diagnostic standard throat cultures, SalivIQTM Strep A test results were:

100% sensitive

100% specific

100% accurate

Diagnostic Standard

Throat culture is the current diagnostic standard for strep throat infection. SalivIQTM Strep A is the new diagnostic standard.

Why SalivIQ™ Strep A?


Inappropriate antibiotic prescription for pharyngitis in children results in $21.3M excess private health insurance costs annually (cost of antibiotics, adverse drug events, and resultant C. difficile infections).*


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services require acute-care hospitals to implement antibiotic stewardship programs. Accurate diagnostics are critical for the success of these programs.


Non-invasive saliva collection leads to improved patient and family satisfaction.

*Butler et al. JAMA Netw Open 2022

Caring patients

Learn more about how SalivIQ™ Strep A can transform strep throat diagnosis.